Family Gaming Night
As part of our Easter Celebrations we'll be getting together to play a load of different computer games: whether its Fall Guys or Fifa, Minecraft or Rocket League, if you like gaming, this is for you.
If you're under 11, you'll need to bring an adult,
and if you're over 16, bring someone younger
Get Game Ready:
Download any or some of these games to be Game Ready: Fall guy*, Rocket League*, Minecraft, Fifa 23, Overcooked, Stumble guy.
You don't need to buy anything new: just come with what you have and get the free ones (marked *).
Because we're family gaming, we ask you not to come to play games that are too high a rating for our youngest people.

How it works
We'll provide the space, and drink and snacks; You bring your own device (Switch, tablet, laptop, phone) or controller (PS4, Xbox, Wii).
We'll have zones set up for multiplayer tournaments and competitions, plus a range of four player consoles if you want a break from the games you came with.

Family Gaming Night, Friday 12th April, 6.30-8.30pm
Uphall South Parish Church, East Main Street, Uphall.
Kings Church West Lothian & The BUSY Project
At Kings Church we love to follow Jesus, and we love to welcome and help people.
We support and work with the BUSY Project as a way of making a difference in our community.
I want to know more
You can find out more about Kings Church on this website, and for more information about the BUSY Project, see their website.

Who is welcome?
No matter who you are, or what you believe, you're welcome!
At this event, anyone who loves gaming can come along; we ask anyone under 11 to bring an adult, and anyone over 16 to bring someone younger!